

Cornerstone Elementary PTA Business Sponsorship 2023-2024

About Cornerstone Elementary

  • Only elementary school located in Telfair Subdivision
  • Over 900 enrolled students every school year
  • PTA supports the education system by providing funds for
    Bluebonnet books for each class, classroom enhancements,
    field trips, technology enhancements, teacher development,
    plus much more!

What your Sponsorship will do for you!

  • Excellent PR opportunity for your business by reaching over 400
    families in your local area of business!
    • 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go to our Cornerstone
    Elementary PTA programs.
    • Effective schools like Cornerstone Elementary ensure a vital
    community, which sustains a strong business environment.
    • You’re helping to improve the quality of education for the children in
    your local community!
    • Cornerstone is ranked as one of the top elementary schools in the
    Houston & surrounding areas.

Check out our current Sponsors!


Please email us at




 Sponsorship Levels

Please fill and mail it to the school address listed in the form